Friday, December 12, 2008

Colour of MY LOVE

I'll paint my mood in shades of blue

Paint my soul to be with you

I'll sketch your lips in shaded tones

Draw your mouth to my own

I'll draw your arms around my waist

Then all doubt I shall erase

I'll paint the rain that softly lands on your wind-blown hair

I'll trace a hand to wipe out your tears

A look to calm your fears

A silhouette of dark and light

While we hold each other oh so tight

I'll paint a sun to warm your heart

Swearing that we'll never part

That's the colour of my love

I'll paint the truth show how I feel

Try to make you completely real

I'll use a brush so light and fine

To draw you close and make you mine

I'll paint a sun to warm your heart

Swearing that we'll never part

That's the colour of my love

I'll draw the years all passing by

So much to learn so much to try

And with this ring our lives will start

Swearing that we'll never part

I offer what you cannot buy

Devoted love until we die

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Rase sakit hati yang amat..Ntah pe puncanye...Ni antara perkara2 yang mungkin menyebabkan aku sakit hati:

1. Rumah sewa bengap tu nak gak kena bayar bil elektrik..nasib baik deposit akan dapat balik..kononnye la kate roomate..tapi aku tak yakin pon..kalau dapat bagus la..rezeki takkan nak tolak..

2. Mak dok membebel kata budget nak pergi holiday just rm 1000 jek..tapi dok mencarut pe tah bandingkan aku dengan adik aku..memang la..dia umur berapa..biarla dia nak jadi penjimat..aku boros pon tak pernah langgar limit..!mother...sometime can be very unfair to her children!fuck!

3. Kawan yang da tak macam kawan...ntah aku malas nak komen..selalu jek aku tak ada kawan yang selalu contact..dah biasa sangat..nasib la boyfriend ada nak melayan aku..thats y i can never stop loving u FHN..

4. Boyfriend selalu ada dengan aku..tak ROMANTIK la pulak..aku takde la demand tinggi sangat sampai dia kena main gitar diluar rumah aku masa hujan..Ntah la..jarak umur yang jauh memang mencabar..tapi itu la cabaran yang paling best!

2 je kot..tak tau la kalo ada lagi....tapi bende2 nie bila pikir2 sakit hati makin menjadi2..!aduhhh...!