Friday, July 25, 2008

Last day of ORIENTATION...

Here come the last day of my orientation in Taylors..A lot of things that I've gained and learned from this 3 days orientation..Hopefully my new beginning as a degree student will run smoothly...:-)..

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Takziah kepada si Dia yang baru saja kehilangan nenda tercinta..Be strong dear..nothing can change destiny...:-(.. Allah lebih sayangkan dia..dun worry, u still have me by ur side..although u r not always with me, but im here all the time when u need me..:-)

So off that topic..My new roomate came once again, we all reunite from Nilai International University College (NUC) and become Taylor's students..:-)..yess at last..I got to stay a bit far from Family and start my 1st degree here..

Aniway, today is my 1st day of orientation in Taylors..Frankly speaking, its fcuking Tired (mind with the "F" word...its just an expression):-p...but yet fun..:-)..meeting all those new comers and get to konw them are just a fun thing to do..hopefully, Im aiming for the HIGH DISTINCTION its up to me to make that happen.."God, I really need ur help..please stay by my side..I noe U never stop helping me and never forget all the time even when I do forget U most of my life..:-("

Too bad I cant go for my 2nd day of orientation, as I need to attend my Unit Trust class that will be held from 8am-5pm in KLANG..If only there is way that I can postponed my class, I'll definetly do so..So hopefully, my other two friends will get the notes for me..

I think that's all for now..I need to read a bit for my class tomorrow..

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Kesiannya si DIA..:'(

Baru petang nie aku dapat phone call dari si DIA..Nenek kesayangan masuk hospital sebab muntah darah..:'( dan sekarang lebih mengejutkan nenek dia berada di wad ICU dan dalam keadaan strok...hurmm..kesiannye la si DIA..aku amat memahami keadaan sesorang yang begitu rapat dengan neneknya sejak kecil dan sekarang terpaksa melihat neneknya nazak dan tebaring dia atas katil..lesu, letih..meracau...aku tak dapat bayangkan kalau aku berada di tempat DIA..air mata tak henti mengalir..Ya Allah..panjangkan la hayat nenek ku agar dia dapat melihat aku bahagia bersama yang tersayang..Begitu juga aku doakan bagi pihak si DIA...semoga hikmah disebalik cubaan nie menjadikan dia seorang yang lebih tabah dan kuat menghadapi kehidupan yang penuh cabaran dan dugaan..

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Kisah Semalam..

Perbualan telefon antara Ms A and Mr S....petang semalam

Mr S: hun watpe tue?

Ms A: wat dek je..busan tol..

Mr S: Jom tgk hellboy??B blanje...baru dapat advance nih.

Ms A: best ke muvi 2..?yang 1st pon hun tak tengok..

Mr S: me..B sampai lagi 30 minit..CEPAT SIAP....

Ms A: k...I trust U..kang naik sampai atas taw..takot turun lif sorang2...mandi dulu..

Hellboy best gila....!!!!kelakar and full of action!memang berbaloi tengok..walaupun aku budget harga tiket patutnye rm7 sebab hari Rabu, tapi blockbuster tak ada speciality 2..nak tak nak aku kene kuarkan gak rm 12...("cess...siot je!!kalo muvi nie tak best, memang rugi besar aku!"<------detik hati aku).So total tiket couple seat rm 24..

After that..:(face-to-face conversation)

Ms A: wayang lame lagi laaa...nak watpe ek?

Mr S: kita g makan dulu jom? pastu g jalan2 kat IKEA..ok tak?

Ms A: ok jek..

Kringg....!!(Lagu Mila- aku lebih tahu).."PRIVATE NUMBER"????who the hell?

Ms A: Hello...

Ms L: Nyah.....ko free x?ko watpe?

Ms A: Takde watpe...asal?

Ms L: leh tolong aku translate x??bm ke english..??

Ms A: Pasal pe?tengokla..aku nak p tengok wayang neh..send la msg..

Ms L: okeh aku send...ko balas malam nie gak taw..aku nak hantar esk..

Ms A: sape soh last minit wat...tengokla..K bye..

Aduih..dalam pada mase aku nak tengok wayang, ade la plak membe aku sorang neh suruh translatekan untuk dia...buat last minute, nak anta esok plak 2..kelam-kabut ar jadinye..Ni la kekandang ragam membe2..ape yang kita tahu sume dia take advantage..tapi bila minta dia wat something, kadang2 adelah seribu 1 alasan yang dia bagi..macam2 ragam manusia zaman skang nie..ape-ape pon..HELLBOY BEST GILE!!!!


Sunday, July 13, 2008


How can I possibly live with someone who always get into arguments with me!!!!!????SHITT ...I hate this feeling but sorry to say I hate my mom!!!!!I hate to fight with her....She is too closed minded..that's the main reason why I always wanted to be far away from her............!!!Please...I love my mom but we are meant to be far distance from each other..I dun mind having to live far from her as long as I wont get into arguments with her...Comparing me with my siblings was her biggest mistakes ever!she doesn't realize that somehow she will turn to her 1st daughter sooner or later, and that's ME!..

My handwriting says bout me....

What Your Handwriting Says About You

You are a fairly energetic person. You know how do pace yourself, and you deal well with stress.

You are very extroverted and outgoing. You are loving, friendly, and supportive. However, you are also manipulative and controlling at times.

You are balanced and grounded. You know how to get along well with others.

You need a bit of space in your life, but you're not a recluse. You expect people to give you a small amount of privacy, and you respect their privacy as well.

You are somewhat traditional, but you are also open to change. You listen to your head and your heart.

You are a decent communicator. You eventually get your point across, but sometimes you leave things a bit ambiguous.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Part 2..
Lately, I've been spending my time with sumONE that used to be my he's not..:-l..but, He still the same....His look, his attitude, his smells....are all still the same..Only the way he treated my these days are slightly different..He seems to respect me more...not to mention his kindness.. willing to wake up and stay up with me whenever I need him..doesnt matter if I need him to just accompany me through the phone..he'll do that for sure...and he willing to wait for me even if it takes hours for me to get ready before we go out..That's him..He always be there for me..Im happy with him..and I still am...Eventhough we are no longer couple, but we always act like one whenever we have each other on our sides..too bad he's not good in financial management..Everything was almost perfect about him...I wonder if I can survive with sumONE who has money just enough for himself?????People are easy to say,"Money cant buy love and happiness"..but they never think the consequences that might happen if we run out of money in the future..Today, everything is about MONEY...sumtimes MONEY can bring happiness...Gosh, I hope I was wrong...
Now im with sumOne else..he's a working man...sumtimes he's too busy working that I feel neglected by him..but deep down his heart, I know he cares and loves me so much..He is my first boyfriend..or should I say my 1st love??..The thing is, he always not around whenever I need him..Sumtimes, he's too tired and go to bed too early..How I wish he can pampered me more..He can be trusted in financial management...He has better knowledge about what's happening in this WORLD than me..The problem is, Im being too dependent on him..he knows better..BAsically he's not sumONE that I ever imagined to get married with..I can never count on him to be by myside always..Im afraid that I'll be left alone at home while he's busy working...In his case, I definitely argue myself that MONEY can bring happiness...Cuz its not..
I used to have only 2 boyfriend in my entire life..not that I cant involve in a few relationships with other guys...I definitely can..but it just I dont want to mess up my life more..I hate to love sumONE and in the end im the one who I just stick to both of them..
Between them, who should I pick..?This question repeatedly appears in my mind almost of the time...Sumtimes I cried cuz of too much thinking of it..And I end up with NO ANSWER..I dun like people to judge me..cuz they arent me..for me, I rather choose who's the best between them, so I wont live in misery in the future..For now, I guess none of them is my boyfriend...but they are always special in my heart..

Friday, July 4, 2008

Rumah Baru dan dilemma....??Ohh no....!

Ish penat nak mampos taip banyak2 skalinye hilang plak semua..!!!!tetiba plak tue..sebab and musibabnye pon aku tak tahu..!sengal tol!! tak pe la..,aku start balik..:-)

1st July yang lepas, aku moved in kat Ridzuan Condo..Located opposite sunway piramid but still far if we walk...memang tak larat...tapi yang aku bengang tue, kalo naik teksi juz nak p sunway piramid tue pon kene RM7!!!gile babas tak hengat!!takat U-turn depan tue sket da nak mark up smpai 7 hengget..!!...Nasin baik kolej sediakan bas nak p taylors Subang 2..kalo takde, puas la nak put aside 14 henget everyday p n balik..silap2 boleh pokai aku..:-S

2nd and 3rd, puas aku berjalan shopping barang2 rumah baru...banyak gak la abes..tapi tue sume nak pakai sampai la aku abes blaja nanti..tak akan beli2 yang baru dah..(mom yang ckp...).:-p..pape pon rumah baru yang fully furnished sampaikan every room pon ade aircond itu memang selesa yang kepada rakan2 nak melepak kat umah I takde masalah...Masalahnye kalo anda tue lelaki..haa...itu payah sket..:-p

Aku da ngantok..sambung sok pagi laa....Sambung psal dilemma aku..hurmm..memang pening bila fikir2 later la...daaaaa...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tujuh Pekara..Sorry Amy, aku xreti tag..:-p

1) manje ikot tempat
2) panas baran
3) taken but available for FRIENDS ONLY..:-p
4) suke berenang and main hujan tapi takot petir and guruh..=))
5) malu nak bercakap depan stage dengan ramai kalo kene pakse, belasah je..:-p
6) Berminat nak mendalami IT tapi masa tak ckup..:-(
7) tak boleh hidup tanpa handphone..

1) Allah swt
2) Lipas and tikus.
3) Bila kene ceramah dengan family..
4) Berenang dekat tempat yang dalam..takot lemas!!
5) SPACE SHOT...kali pertama dan terakhir aku naik bende nie..tobat!
6) Kawan bertukar menjadi musuh...lebih2 lagik musuh dalam selimut..=))
7) terlampau dikawal.

1) Bleeding love
2) Too emotional
3) aku lebih tahu
4) Hanya kau yang mampu
5) Jazzy
6) Always
7) Buro Nan Cinta

1) laaa
2) k
3) a'ala..
4) cess
5) tongek, bongek
6) tah pape je
7) tau xpe

1) Myself
2) Family and loved one.:-)
3) Money.........
4) HAndphone
5) Shoes and sandals
6) Friendster
7) Friends..:-)

1) First Bf - FArrid Hassan Naziri
2) First time main bowling yang asyik ke longkang jek..:p
3) First time mandi air terjun dengan membe2..
4) First job as a cashier kat guardian kelana Jaya.
5) First time makan kat tempat mahal nak mampos sampai attire RULES pon ade...
6) First time berenang pepandai sendiri akhirnye boleh la berenang tapi ala kadar jek...
7) First masuk hospital bukan family yang teman..:-(

1. Ayu
2. Ntah..
3. Amy da buat..:-p
4. xtau sape lagik
5. sesape jek la..
6. Ntah2
7. xtahu laaaaaaa...

:-p..sekian terima kasih..