Sunday, July 6, 2008


Part 2..
Lately, I've been spending my time with sumONE that used to be my he's not..:-l..but, He still the same....His look, his attitude, his smells....are all still the same..Only the way he treated my these days are slightly different..He seems to respect me more...not to mention his kindness.. willing to wake up and stay up with me whenever I need him..doesnt matter if I need him to just accompany me through the phone..he'll do that for sure...and he willing to wait for me even if it takes hours for me to get ready before we go out..That's him..He always be there for me..Im happy with him..and I still am...Eventhough we are no longer couple, but we always act like one whenever we have each other on our sides..too bad he's not good in financial management..Everything was almost perfect about him...I wonder if I can survive with sumONE who has money just enough for himself?????People are easy to say,"Money cant buy love and happiness"..but they never think the consequences that might happen if we run out of money in the future..Today, everything is about MONEY...sumtimes MONEY can bring happiness...Gosh, I hope I was wrong...
Now im with sumOne else..he's a working man...sumtimes he's too busy working that I feel neglected by him..but deep down his heart, I know he cares and loves me so much..He is my first boyfriend..or should I say my 1st love??..The thing is, he always not around whenever I need him..Sumtimes, he's too tired and go to bed too early..How I wish he can pampered me more..He can be trusted in financial management...He has better knowledge about what's happening in this WORLD than me..The problem is, Im being too dependent on him..he knows better..BAsically he's not sumONE that I ever imagined to get married with..I can never count on him to be by myside always..Im afraid that I'll be left alone at home while he's busy working...In his case, I definitely argue myself that MONEY can bring happiness...Cuz its not..
I used to have only 2 boyfriend in my entire life..not that I cant involve in a few relationships with other guys...I definitely can..but it just I dont want to mess up my life more..I hate to love sumONE and in the end im the one who I just stick to both of them..
Between them, who should I pick..?This question repeatedly appears in my mind almost of the time...Sumtimes I cried cuz of too much thinking of it..And I end up with NO ANSWER..I dun like people to judge me..cuz they arent me..for me, I rather choose who's the best between them, so I wont live in misery in the future..For now, I guess none of them is my boyfriend...but they are always special in my heart..

1 respon:

AmY said...

if i were u...
i dont choose..
i went out...
cari lelaki lain..haha
life sbg single sgt lah seronok oh